AOAC Midyear Meetng - Acrylamide WG

(b) BAM (Berlin, Germany): crispbread ( ERM-BD272 , 980 µg/kg), toasted bread ( ERM- 66 BD273 , 425 µg/kg), rusk ( ERM-BD273 , 74 µg/kg). 67 Refer to Annex F: Development and Use of In-House Reference Materials in Appendix F: 68 Guidelines for Standard Method Performance Requirements , 19 th Edition of the AOAC 69 INTERNATIONAL Official Methods of Analysis (2012). Available at: 70 7 7 1 2 8. Validation Guidance 73 For matrices with low levels of acrylamide, validation should be conducted at the 74 target LOQ and 5 xLOQ levels. The LOQ is determined as the lowest spiking level that 75 meets the recovery and repeatability requirements. Suitable matrix ‘blanks’ should be 76 selected that do not contain more than 30% of the target LOQ level. 77 For matrices that naturally contain higher levels of acrylamide and where suitable 78 matrix blanks (with ac rylamide concentration ≤ 30% of the target LOQ) are not available, 79 the matrix should be analyzed as such and spiked at least at one concentration level in 80 the range of 3- 5 x the acrylamide level in the evaluated matrix. In this case, the LOQ can 81 be estimated based on extrapolation of signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) obtained for a 82 concentration level naturally present in the evaluated matrix to a concentration level that 83 would correspond to S/N = 10. 84 Selectivity of the method should be evaluated to demonstrate that known 85 interferences, including N -acetyl- β -alanine, lactamide, and 3-aminopropanamide, do not 86 co-elute with acrylamide peak. Baseline separation of the acrylamide peak and peaks of 87 these compounds should be achieved and/or it should be demonstrated that these 88 interferences are removed prior to the chromatographic separation (during extraction 89 and/or clean-up steps). 90 When available, the use of Reference- and Quality Control-Materials is recommended. 91 For MS identification criteria refer to Part D in SANTE/11312/2021 guidelines 92 (pesticides_mrl_guidelines_wrkdoc_2021-11312.pdf ( 93 Appendix F: Guidelines for Standard Method Performance Requirements , Official 94 Methods of Analysis of AOAC INTERNATIONAL (2016) 20th Ed., AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 95 Rockville, MD, USA (http://www. 96 9. Maximum Time-to-Results 97 None. 1 9 9 0 8 9 0 101

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