AOAC Midyear Meetng - Acrylamide WG

Table 4. Target matrices* 1 1 0 0 7 8 Matrix category

Typical representatives

Potato products

French fries Crisps (chips)

Cereal & Bakery products** including processed cereal-based baby food

Processed cereals-based foods, biscuits and rusks intended for infants and young children Breakfast cereals Bread Crispbread, cookies, biscuits, wafers, crackers, snacks (e.g., popcorn, pretzels) Cocoa powder, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, baking chocolate

Cocoa products


Roasted coffee Instant coffee


Instant tea, including green tea, black tea, herbal tea, oolong tea Botanical powdered extract (e.g., ginger powder)

Herbal extracts


Roasted almonds, hazelnuts

Petfood Dry dog or dry cat pet food (e.g., kibbles) *Validation has to be conducted on at least one representative from the listed matrix categories. 109 **For the ‘Cereal and Bakery product’ category including Infant cereals and Bread with low LOQ 110 requirement at ≤ 20 µg/kg, any selected representative matrix should meet the LOQ ≤ 20 µg/kg criteria. 1 1 1 1 1 2

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