AOAC OMA 2021.01 Reviewer Forms (July 25, 2023)


Expert Review Panel for Infant Formula and Adult Nutrition “FINAL ACTION REVIEW” Evaluation of Method AOAC 2021.01 (GOS-03)

Title: Determination β -Galactooligosaccharides (GOS) in Infant Formula and 1 Adult Nutritionals: Collaborative Study Author: Denis Cuany, Sean Austin Reviewer Name: Reviewer 2

Did Method Author Consider ERP’s General Recommendations:

• Was the method tested using all the SPIFAN samples for precision and accuracy? Samples were prepared by the study director (seven). The kit compromised of four powder infant formulas either intact or hydrolyzed protein including combinations of GOS with FOS and HMO, two RTF Infant formulas in combination with FOS and probiotics and one adult nutritional RTF. All samples were tested on homogeneity. NIST SRM 1849 b was used from SPIFAN sample kit, other samples from SPIFAN sample kit do not contain GOS.

• Was data provided from a standard reference material? YES. NIST SRM 1849b sample with GOS as nutrient was used as practice sample and used to access accuracy

• Was the analysis conducted using ready-to-feed (reconstituted) infant formula? YES. Two Ready to Feed Infant formulas were included in the study and one RTF adult nutritional formula.

• Was rice-based formula available and was it used? No Rice-based formula available with GOS

• Was the method tested using properly characterized standards? Maltotriose is used as standard. Purity and moisture should be checked properly and if necessary used to correct when constructing the calibration curve.

• Is there proof of performance through system suitability? YES system suitability parameters are included in the method protocol.


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