AOAC OMB ERP Approval (8-17-17)


KATERINA MASTOVSKA (Covance Laboratories)  Dr. Katerina (Kate) Mastovska is an Associate Scientific Director at Covance Food Solutions, where she leads the  Chemistry Solutions Global Research, Development and Innovation group. Prior to joining Covance Laboratories in  2009, she worked at the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and served as an expert in the United Nations Food  and Agricultural Organization (FAO) panel of the Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR).  Dr. Mastovska is a Fellow of AOAC INTERNATIONAL. Other activities include serving as a member of the AOAC  Official Methods Board and a former co‐chair of the AOAC Chemical Contaminant and Residues Community. She  has also served as stakeholder panel working group chair for PDE5 Inhibitors and has served on numerous AOAC  expert review panels. As an expert in MCPD and GE, she launched the SPIFAN working group for MCPD and GE  during the AOAC Mid‐Year meeting in 2017.  Dr. Mastovska has authored/co‐authored more than 60 scientific publications (journal articles, book chapters, and  monographs). She received her Ph.D. in Food Chemistry and Analysis from the Institute of Chemical Technology in  Prague, Czech Republic.  STEFAN EHLING (Abbott Nutrition)  Expert on development and validation of GC/MS and LC/MS‐based analytical methods for food contaminants.  JESSICA LEIGH (US Food and Drug Administration)  Over the last several years I have developed a method for the extraction and direct analysis (LC‐MS/MS) of MCPD  and glycidyl esters in infant formula and processed foods. In addition, I have participated in the EC collaborative  study for the analysis of MCPD and glycidyl esters in oils and processed foods using pressurized liquid extraction  and indirect (GC‐MS) analysis. I have also worked with a number of researchers (in Canada and Europe) comparing  extraction and analytical methods for the detection of these compounds. I have hands‐on experience with a  number of extraction techniques and both direct and indirect analysis of these contaminants.  Analytical chemistry: metals, fertilizers (at present: AOAC ERP member for fertilizers), foods and beverages (in  particular: preserved and fresh fish products, meat preparations, milk and dairy products, cheeses), food  packaging materials and objects  Organic chemistry: polymers for industrial applications (in particular: plastic matters, packaging films, coatings,  inks); metals for food and non‐food packaging applications (metal cans)  Food Microbiology: Enterobacteriaceae, Coliforms, E. coli ,  Salmonella ,  L. monocytogenes , Yeasts, Moulds, Total  Viable Count,  S. aureus Environmental Microbiology:  Legionella  spp  HACCP & Food‐related matters: quality systems, HACCP, HARCP, food law (including the U.S. FSMA and PCQI  qualification); food defects and critical failures, food packaging failures with HACCP implications  Food and environmental hygiene  Instrumental drug analyses (illegal drugs; drug abuse)  Editorial skills: at present, I am the Series Editor for SpringerBriefs in Chemistry of Foods  ( I have published more than 120 papers and books on different  arguments.  SALVATORE PARISI (Independent – Industry Consultant)  My expertise and competencies include: 

JOE ROMANO (Waters Corporation)  LC/MS/MS 

CHERYL STEPHENSON (Eurofins Central Analytical Laboratories)  Method has been established in our laboratory and we are routinely testing oils as well as infant nutritionals using  AOCS protocol as well as ASE extraction followed by AOCS protocol. Have extensive experience as a result  regarding pitfalls and method issues. Our method has been validated and is currently within our ISO 17025

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