AOAC OMB Nomination Review (June 12, 2019)

To the attention of

Dr Shauna F. Roman

Past Chair of the AOAC Official Methods Board (OMB)


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Dear Dr Roman ,

The undersigned Prof. Moawiya A. Haddad, Head of the Department of Nutrition and Food Processing, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Al-Balqa Applied University (BAU), Jordan, would like to recommend Prof. Salvatore Parisi, PhD, with reference to new possible AOAC OMB members, in accordance with the above-mentioned object. I have been informed that Salvatore Parisi has been nominated for the AOAC Official Methods Board (OMB). Consequently, I am happy to send You this recommendation because of His interesting and valuable service at Al-Balqa Applied University (from September 2019 to-date). With reference to our University, His first lecture as Visiting Assistant Professor concerns “Food Traceability”. Also, we are taking part in the Project “SUSTAINable MEDiterranean PrOduce WastE REDuction” (SUSTAIN-MEDPOWERED) proposal to PRIMA Section 2 call multi-topics 2019, as the Jordan team “BAU-Al-Balqa Applied University” (other Teams: MeditBio- University of Algarve, Portugal, and INSAT-University of Carthage, Tunisia). Prof. Parisi is one of our five team members. Moreover, we will take part to the 33rd EFFoST International Conference 2019 (12-14 November 2019, Rotterdam, The Netherlands) with joint works.

Prof Parisi is taking part in eight new AOAC working groups under the BAU institution, and His AOAC participation has been constant since 2015 (He is also part of two Expert Review Panels). His commitment is evident on the basis of papers and books published since 2001 (202 and 26 respectively); also, He is the series editor for a dedicated SpringerBrief book series in Chemistry of Foods (29 published and in-progress books at present). 15 of His high-profile papers have been

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