AOAC Statistics New Member Info.



SCOPE: The Committee on Statistics provides advice and consent on all usage or changes to statistical methodology used in AOAC studies or in the interpretation of results. The Committee reports to the AOAC Official Method Board (OMB), and the committee chair serves as a member of the OMB. II. COMMITTEE: a. Composition: The committee shall be comprised of a maximum of 18 members including the Chair, of which a maximum of 9 are Full Members. The President of AOAC on the recommendation of the OMB shall appoint each member for a three-year term. There is no limit on the number of terms that a member can serve. The term begins and ends with the AOAC Annual Business Meeting. b. Chair: The chair is a full member, initially appointed for one three-year term and may serve one additional three-year term if reappointment is approved with rationale by the Official Methods Board and the President of AOAC. c. Full Members: The Chair appoints Full Members of the Committee with the approval of the Official Methods Board. If a Full Member fails to participate in 3 or more consecutive meetings of the Committee, the Chair may petition to transfer that member to Associate status due to non participation in Committee Meetings. d. Associate Members: Associate Members will have all the same duties and responsibilities of a Full Member except for voting. e. Quorum: A quorum of the Committee consists of 6 or more Full Members; consensus requires two thirds of the voting members present. III. SUMMARY OF DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE ON STATISTICS: a. Guide, advise, and consent on appropriate application and use of statistical techniques and tools and the interpretation of results; b. Statistically evaluate and advise on study designs, numerical results, and address questions in a timely manner as requested by staff and Official Methods Board; c. Advise AOAC stakeholder panels, working groups, and expert review panels as requested. d. Advise Official Methods Board on changes to statistical tools, guidance, and approaches as it applies to standards development and conformity assessment activities; e. Evaluate and/or provide guidance and advice on designing multi-laboratory studies, assigned method manuscripts, reporting work sheets, and use of appropriate statistical procedures; and f. Other projects as assigned through AOAC staff or Official Methods Board. IV. SUMMARY OF DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE CHAIR OF THE COMMITTEE ON STATISTICS: a. Serve as primary representative of the Committee; b. Must be a member of AOAC INTERNATIONAL in good standing c. Facilitate and moderate discussions of the Committee Meetings; d. Present and report on Committee activities and/or recommendations to AOAC Official Methods Board (OMB) and actively serve as primary Committee representative and participate on the OMB; e. Oversee the implementation of AOAC policies and procedures in the Committee; f. Work with staff on assigning Committee members for method reviews; g. Work with staff and Official Methods Board on priorities to be addressed by the Committee; and h. Work with staff and OMB on identification and approval of Committee membership.

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