AOAC RI Chemical Cont. Methods-2018 Awards
M astovska et al .: J ournal of AOAC I nternational V ol . 98, N o . 2, 2015 487
Table 2014.08D. ( continued )
No. of laboratories No. of replicates
Mean concn, µg/kg
Mean recovery,
, µg/kg s R
, µg/kg RSD r
, % RSD R
, % HorRat
% s r
9 9 9 8 9 9 8 9 8 9
18 18 18 16 18 18 16 18 16 18
20.0 71.0
80.1 88.7 84.9 86.2 83.2 80.3 81.6 85.1 84.3 81.7
1.0 5.3 7.3 6.0 3.0 6.1 9.5 2.2 2.2 8.0
2.2 9.4
4.8 7.5 6.9 3.1 7.2 7.6 4.7 6.4 3.5 4.9
10.7 13.2 13.9 15.4 13.2 13.3 11.0
0.37 0.55 0.62 0.75 0.51 0.57 0.54 0.37 0.35 0.48
106.2 193.9
14.7 29.8
41.6 80.3
10.7 22.5
34.0 63.2
3.3 5.3
9.8 8.4
add 50 µL of the 1 µg/mL 13 C-PAHs solution and 850 µL isooctane. Cap the vial and vortex mix briefly. F. Extraction and Cleanup Procedure ( 1 ) Add 50 µL of the 1 µg/mL 13 C-PAHs solution to 10 ± 0.1 g of thoroughly homogenized seafood sample in a 50 mL polypropylene centrifuge tube. ( 2 ) Vortex sample for 15 s and let equilibrate for 15 min. ( 3 ) Add 5 mL (10 mL in the case of shrimp) of purified water and 10 mL ethyl acetate. ( 4 ) Shake tube vigorously by hand for 1 min. ( 5 ) Add 4 g of muffled anhydrous magnesium sulfate and 2 g sodium chloride, and seal the tube well (ensure that powder does not get into the screw threads or rim of the tube). ( 6 ) Shake tube vigorously by hand for 1 min, ensuring that crystalline agglomerates are broken up sufficiently during shaking. ( 7 ) Centrifuge tube at >1500 rcf for 10 min. ( 8 ) Take a 5 mL aliquot of the upper ethyl acetate layer, add 50 µL isooctane as a keeper, and gently evaporate all ethyl acetate until only isooctane and co-extracted sample fat are left. ( 9 ) Reconstitute in 1 mL hexane. ( 10 ) Condition a silica SPE column (1 g silica gel with approximately 0.2 g of muffled anhydrous sodium sulfate on the top) with 6 mL hexane–dichloromethane (3 + 1, v/v) and 4 mL hexane. ( 11 ) Apply the extract in hexane onto the silica SPE cartridge. ( 12 ) Elute with hexane–dichloromethane (3 + 1, v/v) using volume determined for the given silica gel SPE cartridges from the elution profiles of target analytes and fat, which are dependent on the silica deactivation, see Note ( 4 ) below. Collect the eluent. ( 13 ) Add 0.5 mL isooctane (and 1-2 mL ethyl acetate) to the eluent as a keeper and gently evaporate down to 0.5 mL to remove hexane and dichloromethane from the final extract. ( 14 ) Transfer the final extract into an autosampler vial for the GC/MS analysis. Notes : ( 1 ) The fat capacity of the 1 g silica gel SPE column is approximately 0.1 g. If the 5 mL ethyl acetate extract aliquot contains more than 0.1 g fat, it is necessary to use a smaller aliquot volume to avoid sample breakthrough during the cleanup step.
( 2 ) Ethyl acetate should not be present in the extract applied to the silica cartridge because it can affect the extract polarity, thus potentially retention of fat and analytes on the silica gel. The coextracted fat and 50 µL isooctane act as keepers during the first evaporation step (step 8 ), thus the evaporation should be conducted gently until there is no significant change in the volume, i.e., until only the isooctane and coextracted fat are left in the evaporation tube or flask. ( 3 ) Addition of 1-2 mL ethyl acetate to the eluent in step 13 is recommended for a better control of the evaporation process and higher absolute recoveries of volatile PAHs. ( 4 ) The deactivation and storage of silica gel SPE cartridges can vary, potentially resulting in different amounts of water in the silica, thus its potentially different retention characteristics. Therefore, it is important to test the elution profiles of PAHs and fat and determine the optimum volume of the elution solvent to ensure adequate analyte recoveries and fat cleanup. The following procedure is recommended: ( a ) Prepare a PAH solution in hexane by combining 50 µL of the Working PAH Solution A and 1 mL hexane in a vial. Mix well and apply onto a silica SPE column (1 g silica gel with approximately 0.2 g of muffled anhydrous sodium sulfate on the top), which was conditioned with 6 mL hexane–dichloromethane (3 + 1, v/v) and 4 mL hexane. ( b ) Elute with 10 mL hexane–dichloromethane (3 + 1, v/v),
10 g of homogenized sample - Add 13 C-PAH mixture, vortex, equilibrate (15 min)
Extraction: - Add 5 mL (or 10 mL) water and 10 mL EtOAc, shake (1 min) - Add 4 g anh. MgSO4 and 2 g NaCl, shake (1 min), centrifuge - Evaporate 5 mL aliquot of extract, reconstitute in 1 mL hexane
Silica-SPE clean-up: - Condition 1g silica with 6 mL hexane:DCM (3:1, v/v ) and 4 mL hexane - Apply sample - Elute with 10 mL of hexane:DCM (3:1, v/v )
GC-MS(/MS) analysis
Figure 2014.08A. Flow chart of the method for determination of PAHs in seafood using GC/MS. Figure 2014.08A. Flow chart of the method for determination of PAHs in seafood using GC/MS.
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