AOAC RI Chemical Cont. Methods-2018 Awards
Pang et al.: J ournal of AOAC I nternational V ol. 98, N o. 5, 2015 1453
Cord Lüllmann, Uwe Karasek, Michael Lambert, QSI - Quality Services International GmbH, Germany Jürgen Kuballa, GALAB Laboratories GmbH, Germany Andreas Kwasniok, Eurofins Dr. Specht Laboratorien GmbH, Germany Ines Lederer, PhytoLab GmbH & Co. KG, Germany Melanie Lehneke, Intertek Food Services GmbH, Germany Hong-Ping Li, Residue Control Division, TaiwanAgricultural Chemicals and Toxic Substances Research Institute, Council of Agriculture (TACTRI/COA), Taiwan, P.R. China Lindy Liu, SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd (Shanghai), P.R. China Valeria Merlo, Research and Development, Innovation, Italy Thea Rawn, Health Canada, Canada John Reuther, Eurofins Central Analytical Laboratories (Metairie, LA), United States Wen-Bin Song, Liaoning Quarantine Treatnet Group Co. Ltd/ Inspection and Quarantine Technical Centers Dalian Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, P.R. China Chuanhong Tu, Asia Pacific Technical Center, Coca Cola Beverage (Shanghai) Ltd, P.R. China Xiao-Yan Wang, United Chemical Technologies (UCT), United States Zong-Yi Wang, Beijing Key Laboratory of Agricultural Products Safety Detection and Control, Beijing University of Agriculture, P.R. China Li-Qi Xie, Food Inspection Center of Shenzhen Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, P.R. China Kevin Yu, Eurofins Technology Service (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd, P.R. China Rex Zhang, SinoAnalytica (Ningbo), P.R. China (1) Chen, D.-L., & Su, Z.-H. (2009) Tea Science and Technology Innovation and Industrial Development Symposium , Chongqing, China, pp 639–647 (2) (3) Wu, X.-Y. (2007) Doctoral Dissertation of Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei, Anhui, China (4) Pang, G.-F., Cao, Y.-Z., Fan, C.-L., Jia, G.-Q., Zhang, J.-J., Li, X.-M., Liu, Y.-M., Shi, Y.-Q., Li, Z.-Y., Zheng, F., & Lian, Y.-J (2009) J. AOAC Int. 92 , 1–72 (5) Pang, G.-F., Cao, Y.-Z., Zhang, J.-J., Fan, C.-L., Liu, Y.-M., Li, X.-M., Jia, G.-Q., Li, Z.-Y., Shi, Y.-Q., Wu, Y.-P., & Guo, T.-T. (2006) J. Chromatogr. A 1125 , 1–30. chroma.2006.05.023 (6) Pang, G.-F., Fan, C.-L., Liu, Y.-M., Cao, Y.-Z., Zhang, J.-J., Fu, B.-L., Li, X.-M., Li, Z.-Y., & Wu, Y.-P. (2006) Food Addit. Contam. 23 , 777–810. http://dx.doi. org/10.1080/02652030600657997 (7) Pang, G.-F., Fan, C.-L., Liu, Y.-M., Cao, Y.-Z., Zhang, J.-J., Li, X.-M., Li, Z.-Y., Wu, Y.-P., & Guo T.-T. (2006) J. AOAC Int. 89 , 740–771 (8) Pang, G.-F., Liu, Y.-M., Fan, C.-L., Zhang, J.-J., Cao, Y.- Z., Li, X.-M., Li, Z.-Y., Wu, Y.-P., & Guo T.T. (2006) Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 384 , 1366–1408. s00216-005-0)237-9 (9) Lian, Y.-J., Pang, G.-F., Shu, H.-R., Fan, C.-L., Liu, Y.-M., Feng, J., Wu, Y.-P., & Chang, Q.-Y. (2010) J. Agric. Food Chem. 58 , 9428–9453. (10) GB/T 19648-2006 Method for determination of 500 pesticides and related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables by GC/ MS (2006) Standards Press, Beijing, China References
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