AOAC-RI ERP Book MICRO Sept 2016.pdf

February 20, 2013

Figure 1. 3M Petrifilm Salmonella vs. USDA – raw ground chicken, raw ground beef, raw ground pork, chicken nuggets, and 1 pasteurized liquid whole eggs.

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Estimate total aerobic counts

Screen for Indigenous Salmonella




Raw ground chicken, pork, beef : 25g + 225mL* Liquid egg : 100g + 900 mL* Cooked chicken nuggets : 325g + 2925mL* Homogenize 2 min 18-24h at 41.5±1°C *3M Salmonella Enrichment + Supplement (prewarmed to 41.5C)

Ground chicken, pork, beef: 25g + 225mL* Liquid egg: 100g + 900 mL* Cooked chicken nuggets : 325g + 2925mL* Homogenize 2 min *BPW


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Liquid eggs 18-24h h at 35±2°C

Ground chicken 20-24h h at 35±2°C

Chicken, pork, beef Transfer 0.1 mL BPW

0.1ml sample + 10ml mRV 0.5ml sample + 10ml TT (Hanja) 22-24h at 42 ± 0.5°C

to 9.9 mL RV10 8 h at 41.5±1°C

0.1ml sample + 10ml mRV 0.5ml sample + 10ml TT (Hanja) 22-24h at 42 ± 0.5°C

• Streak to XLT4 (or DMLIA) & BGS Incubate at 35±2°C Examine at 18-24h & 42-48h


Run the 3M Petrifilm Salmonella Express System

23 24 25 26

• Streak to XLT4 (or DMLIA) & BGS Incubate at 35±2°C Examine at 18-24h & 42-48h

Transfer typical colonies to TSI/LIA slants 24±2h at 35°C


Pick typical colony and transfer to TSI/LIA slants 24±2h at 35°C

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Transfer typical colonies to TSI/ LIA slants 24±2h at 35±2°C

Biochemical/serological confirmation on all enrichments according to USDA/FSIS

Biochemical/serological confirmation on all enrichments according to USDA/FSIS

Biochemical/serological confirmations on all enrichments according to USDA/FSIS


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