AOAC-RI ERP Book - Solids in Syrups


ERP Chair Responsibilities

Before Meeting

During Meeting

d d Mo erate iscussions ase  on agenda b d

Work with staff on meeting  coordination

Engage staff to encourage  members to reach decision  points

Review submitted and/or  assigned methods

E ngage s a on proce ura  questions t ff d l

Review method reviews if  applicable

Engage discussion on feedback  mechanism

Review SMPR(s) and/or  relevant guidance and criteria

ERP Chair Responsibilities

Other Efforts and  Recognitions Can nominate methods for  OMB Award

After Meeting

Review Meeting Report  and Approve Final Version

Can nominate ERP members  for OMB Award

Assist with any follow up on  methods

Can assist in identifying methods for review

Assist in Publication  Reviews

Can serve as a guest editor for  the Journal


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