OMA 2014.10 C: Collaborative Study Manuscript Expert Review Panel Use Only September, 2017

2013 Dietary Starch in Animal Feeds Collab Study Protocol 072513

Equipment: The method under study quantifies free glucose and that released from alpha-glucan using a spectrophotometric method for glucose detection. Does your lab have the following equipment

with which to carry out the method? Volumetrically Quantitative Pipetters Spectrophotometer

A spectrophotometer capable of operating at absorbances of 505 nm Manufacturer and Model :

Forced-air ovens capable of maintaining 100 + 1°C. Water baths capable of maintaining 50°C + 1°C.

Reagents:  Deionized water (DIW)  Benzoic acid (C 6 H 5

COOH), reagent grade  Acetic acid (HOAc), glacial, reagent grade  Sodium hydroxide (NaOH), pellets, reagent grade  Sodium phosphate (Na 2 HPO 4 ), dibasic, reagent grade  Potassium phosphate (KH 2 PO 4 ), monobasic, reagent grade  4-aminoantipyrine (C 11 H 13 N 3 O), reagent grade  Phenol, solid loose crystals, reagent grade  Glucose oxidase (EC., origin: Aspergillus niger , pH optimum 4.0  Peroxidase (EC, origin: horseradish  Heat stable alpha-amylase (CAS Number: 9000-85-5), origin: Bacillus licheniformis  Amyloglucosidase (EC, origin: Aspergillus niger . Importation/Exportation Requirements Are importation licenses or permits required to send feed samples to your laboratory for diagnostic purposes from the United States? Yes No Are these currently in place? Yes No If no the study samples will not be sent until the Study Director is notified that required permit/license is in place. Please detail any information required for you to acquire the necessary import permits/licenses in a separate E-mail to the Study Director. Instructions to Collaborators The participants in the collaborative study will be sent the method in AOAC format as well as the following instructions: I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for agreeing to take part in this collaborative study. This represents the culmination of nearly seven years of work and will provide an official method for the analysis of dietary starch in animal feeds and pet foods. It is imperative that participating laboratories follow the provided protocol to the letter. If, after reading the following AOAC Research Institute ERP Use Only

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