HMWDF (% w/w) = HMWDF (mg/100g)/1,000

where: R 1 = residue mass 1 from M 1 in milligrams; R 2 = residue mass 2 from M 2 in milligrams; M 1 = test portion mass 1 in grams; M 2 = test portion mass 2 in grams; P A = ash mass in milligrams from R 1 ; P B = protein mass in milligrams from R 2 .

J. Calculations for SDFS (by HPLC)

SDFS (mg/100 g) = Rf × Wt-IS × (PA-SDFS)] / (PA-IS) x 100/M SDFS (% w/w) = SDFS (mg/100 g)/1,000 where; Rf = the response factor; Wt-IS = milligrams of internal standard contained in 1 mL of internal standard solution (100 mg/mL) pipetted into sample before filtration; PA-SDFS = the peak area of the SDFS; PA-IS = the peak area of the internal standard; M = the test portion mass, M1 or M2 of the sample whose filtrate was concentrated and analyzed by LC.

K. Calculation of Total Dietary Fiber

TDF (% w/w) = HMWDF (% w/w) + SDFS (% w/w) AOAC Research Institute ERP Use Only Calculations can be simplified by using an Excel ® based calculator (Supporting Information)

Results and Discussion To simulate food digestion in the small intestine, a combination of gentle shaking or stirring in the presence of PAA/AMG digestion at 37 o C is used in both AOAC Method 2009.01 and the new RINTDF method. In the RINTDF method the incubation time with PAA/AMG mixture is reduced to 4 h to better simulate the likely time of residence of food in the small intestine. To ensure that results obtained for samples


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