AOAC RI ERP Final Action Recommendations eBook

f. Are there any concerns regarding the safety of the method (if necessary, refer to the review from the Safety Advisor) ?

Reviewer 1 (Achen): No. Reviewer 2 (Douey): No concerns.

Reviewer 3 (Hitchins): No concerns. Safety Advisor’s review was not available to this reviewer.

Reviewer 4 (Brodsky): None.

Reviewer 5 (Hammack): I have no concerns about the method safety.

Reviewer 6 (Hayes): Most users of the kit are likely to use some reference salmonella cultures. A caution in the safety instructions concerning the use of appropriate biosafety containment would be advisable. It may be helpful for users to have a web link to the CDC website http:/ and / or the Canadian Pathogen Safety Data Sheets and Risk Assessment website http:/ bio/res/psds-ftss/index-eng.php for additional relevant safety information when dealing with these pathogenic micro-organisms.

Reviewer 7 (Fernandez): No

Reviewer 8 (Chen): No

Reviewer 9 (McMahon): N/A

g. Are there any concerns regarding the data manipulation, data tables or statistical analyses (if necessary, refer to the review from the Statistics Advisor) ?

Reviewer 1 (Achen): No, there are no concerns. The data tables are comprehensive.

Reviewer 2 (Douey): No concerns.

Reviewer 3 (Hitchins):

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