Bacterial Verification

Where do species come from?

Historically, species were identified based on phenotypic descriptions, source of the isolate,  symptoms produced, etc.

Currently, International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes publishes   International Journal  of Systemic and Evolutionary Microbiology . It is the official journal of record for novel prokaryotic  taxa. IJSEM publishes the International code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes.  Describes proper order  and syntax of taxonomy: Genus, species, whether the term should then be subspecies, serotype,  variant, pathovar, etc. 

Bacterial Verification

What happens to species that described in journals other than the IJSEM?

IJSEM publishes a validation list‐ the publications that have been vetted as acceptable will make it to the  validation list. 

What happens to existing species that go through a taxonomic reassignment? 

IJSEM publishes a validation list‐ the publications that have been vetted as acceptable will make it to the  validation list.

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