Original Objectives in 2007 - Establish standards to validate Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)‐based  technologies that detect aerosolized Bacillus anthracis , Yersinia Pestis , or  Francisella tularensis - Pilot the validation process with an assay that detects B. anthracis 2009 - Develop standards to validate immunoassay‐based Hand‐Held Assays (HHAs) that  detect B. anthracis or Ricin in suspicious powders - Test commercially‐available HHAs 2010 - Develop standards to validate PCR‐based technologies that detect aerosolized  Burkholderia psuedomallei and Burkholderia mallei - Develop standards to validate PCR‐based technologies that detect B. anthracis  in  suspicious powders 2011 - Develop recommendations on controls needed for field‐based assays 2013 - Develop standards to validate PCR‐based technologies that detect aerosolized  Variola - Establish First Responder Working Group - Maintain a SPADA Executive Steering Committee SPADA Sets Standards 2007 - 2013


SPADA Working Groups 2007 ‐ 2013

B. Anthracis Handheld Assay Working Group  (BaHHAWG) Marian McKee, BioReliance Corp. Ricin Handheld Assay Working Group (RicinHHAWG) Mark Poli, DoD

B. anthracis Working Group (BaWG) Paul Jackson, LLNL and Ted Hadfield,  MRI

Y. pestis Working Group (YpWG) Luther Lindler , DHS

Burkholderia Working Group (Bur WG) Paul Keim, NAU and Alex Hoffmaster, CDC

F. tularensis Working Group (FtWG) Peter Emanuel, DoD Mark Wolcott, DoD

Assay Controls Working Group (ACWG) Christina Egan, NYSDH and Larry Blyn, Ibis

Environmental Factors Working Group (EFWG) Stephen Morse, CDC

Variola Working Group (VWG) Victoria Olson, CDC and Ted Hadfield,  MRI

Public Health Actionable Assay Working Group  (PHAAWG) Peter Estacio, LLNL

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