Base calling .—Computational process in massively parallel sequencing for translating raw electrical 24
signals to nucleotide sequence (8)
Base composition .—Percentage of GC base pairs in the genome
Biothreat agent (biological agent) .—Any microorganism (including, but not limited to, bacteria, viruses, 27
fungi, or protozoa), or infectious substance, or any naturally occurring, bioengineered, or synthesized 28
component of any such microorganism or infectious substance, capable of causing: (1) Death, disease, 29
or other biological malfunction in a human, an animal, a plant, or another living organism; (2) 30
Deterioration of food, water, equipment, supplies, or material of any kind; or (3) Deleterious alteration 31
of the environment: biological, virological, or toxic threat select agents (BSAT) are identified in a list provided 32
by the US federal select agent program ( (9) 33
Breadth of coverage. —The percentage of genome bases sequenced at a given coverage (sequencing 34
depth) (10)
Cluster density. —Number of templates present on a NGS sequencing cell 36
Context .—Circumstance, purpose, and perspective under which an object is defined or used 37
Contig.— A contiguous stretch of DNA sequence that results from the assembly of smaller, overlapping 38
DNA sequence reads
Coverage .—Number of times that a given base position is read in a sequencing run (11, 12) 40
Detection .—Recognition of the presence of the target nucleic acid 41
Extensible markup language (XML) .—Markup language that encodes information in a way that is 42
machine-processable as well as human-readable
FAST5 format .—Standard sequencing output for Oxford Nanopore sequencers 44
FASTQ format .—Text-based format for storing both a biological sequence (usually nucleotide sequence) 45
and its corresponding quality scores. Both the sequence letter and quality score are each encoded with a 46
single ASCII character for brevity.
AOAC Draft Standard – Version 09282022; Public Comment Revisions
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