Forward and backward compatibility .—Design that is compatible with previous and future versions 48
Identification .—Establishment of the identity of a biothreat agent by NGS analysis 49
Insert size .—Length of the sequence between the adapters (13)
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) .—Open and text-based exchange format 51
Knowledge representation .—Process or result of encoding and storing knowledge in a knowledge base 52
Length of longest contig .—The size of the longest consensus region of DNA produced from a set of 53
overlapping DNA segment reads.
Machine readable.— Data in a form that can be automatically input to a computer 55
Metadata .—Data that describe other data
N50 .—Weighted median statistic such that 50% of the entire NGS assembly is contained in contigs or 57
scaffolds equal to or larger than this value.
Note: Individual sequencing reads are processed to remove linkers and barcodes and then assembled 59
into overlapping contigs. The next step is to assemble the contigs into progressively larger scaffolds by 60
bridging the gaps between contigs with additional sequence reads until the entire genome is assembled. 61
Next generation sequence (NGS) .—Nucleotide sequence produced using a massively parallel sequencing 62
NG50 .—Resembles N50 except the metric relates to the genome size rather than the assembly size (14) 64
Nucleotide sequence .—String of DNA or RNA subunits of purine or pyrimidine nucleosides linked by a 65
phosphodiester backbone and hydrogen bonding: an essential component of every living organism 66
Number of contigs .—Total number of contigs after assembly of the whole genome sequence 67
Number of reads .—Collected number of fragmented nucleotide sequences that were used to 68
reconstruct the original sequence for next generation sequencing technologies (15) 69
OBO Foundry .—Open Biological and Biomedical Ontology
AOAC Draft Standard – Version 09282022; Public Comment Revisions
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