AOAC SPIFAN Chlorates Reviewer Form (March 2022)


Expert Review Panel for Infant Formula and Adult Nutrition Evaluation of Method Chlorate-01 (Resubmission)

Title: Method for the Determination of Chlorate and Perchlorate in Baby Food, Baby Food Ingredients, Infant Formula and Infant Formula Ingredients by Liquid Chromatography – Tandem Mass Spectrometry: Single Laboratory Validation Author: ADELLE K. NANCEKIVELL, ELSA M. LOTZ, LISA A. GRAHAM Reviewer Name: Reviewer 4 Please Provide a Brief Summary of the Resubmitted Method: The method is based on an extraction with acetonitrile and water acidified with 2% formic acid and a subsequent clean-up based on SPE (weak anion exchange) and determination by liquid chromatography coupled to isotope dilution tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS).

Was Method Scope/Applicability Updated?

It was partially (please see General comments below).

Has the resubmitted method met the requirements outlined as per the ERP recommendation/comment(s)?

It has partially:

- Validation experimental design and results of the study are better described although they do not fully meet the SMPR requirements yet (please, see General comments below). - Calculations have been significantly simplified, although they still need some more clarifications (please, see General comments below).

Please provide documentation:

Provide General comments: 1.- Calculations


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