AOAC SPIFAN ERP Report (December 17, 2020)

AOAC SPIFAN Expert Review Panel Report December 17, 2020 Final Version

I. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Darryl Sullivan welcomed all participants to the ERP meeting and introduced the ERP members.

II. REVIEWOF METHODS BY EXPERT REVIEW PANEL (ERP) FOR FINAL ACTION OFFICIAL METHOD SM STATUS – AOAC SPIFAN II For each method, the ERP/Working Group Co-Chairs discussed method(s) submitted and reviewed the method(s) received Final Action Official Method SM status.




Method Title


Motion: Passed

OMA# 2018.06

2018.06 (Amino-01) - Total Amino Acids by UHPLC-UV in Infant Formulas and Adult Nutritionals, First Action 2018.06

Maria Ofitserova Estela Kneeteman Tom Vennard/Shay Phillips

Outliers need to be documented

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Specify NIST reference material used (1849 or 1869) Need additional information on reagents (proprietary vs homemade) Cystein (understand data variability) Confirm correction factor (2.5x) used in the study for appropriateness Need additional information on the gradient used by different labs, if available Clarify table 5.9

Method recommended for Final Action Official Method SM status pending

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submission of ERP recommendations

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NEXT STEPS/FEEDBACK FROM EXPERT REVIEW PANEL Darryl Sullivan provided next steps including recommendations from the Expert Review Panel.

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