AOAC SPIFAN Nutrients ERP Report (July 28, 2022)

I. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Darryl Sullivan welcomed all participants to the ERP meeting and the ERP members were introduced along with roll call.

II. REVIEWOF METHODS BY EXPERT REVIEW PANEL (ERP) FOR FIRST ACTION OFFICIAL METHOD SM STATUS For each method, the ERP reviewed and discussed method(s) submitted for First Action Official Method SM status.

Method Title





(Amino-05) - An Ion Exchange Liquid Chromatography with Post Column Derivatization Method for the Determination of Free and/or Total Amino Acids and Taurine in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula

Motion: Method was not recommended for First Action Official Methods SM status No action taken at this time

See ERP recommendations:

Maria Ofitserova Estela Kneeteman

AMINO-05 RECOMMENDATIONS FROM ERP: 1. Retitle and rewrite method to address free Taurine 2. Needs to be greater clarification for analytical range and LOQ 3. Need to see reconstitution step in the method 4. clarification on buffers and lab equipment, so these reagents and equipment can be used in various laboratories (information on alternative suppliers on equipment or open-source alternatives) 5. What is the SPIFAN samples used in the validation?

Motion to approve recommendations: Sneh Bhandari motioned & Jinchuan Yang second


Method Title





(Fluor-05) - Determination of Fluoride in Infant Formula by Microdiffusion and Ion Selective Electrode

Motion: Method was recommended for First Action Official Methods SM status Jinchuan Yang motioned David Woollard second 1 st Vote: 6 Yes/3 No/1 Abstain 2 nd Vote: 7 Yes/3 No/0 Abstain

See ERP recommendations:

Melissa Phillips Jinchuan Yang

FLUOR-05 RECOMMENDATIONS FROM ERP: 1. Need to see LOQ data based on the bottom of the analytical range 2. For MLT, see analysis of a RTF liquid 3. If possible, compare method to the Willard-Winter method 4. Reproducibility data Motion to approve recommendations: Melissa Phillips motioned & Sneh Bhandari second


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