AOAC SPIFAN MFGM Working Group Launch (January 10, 2024)

AOAC INTERNATIONAL Stakeholder Program on Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals (SPIFAN)

MILK FAT GLOBULE MEMBRANE (MFGM) WORKING GROUP MEETING DRAFT AGENDA Wednesday, January 10, 2024 Meeting Time: 2:00PM-3:30PM (Eastern Time) Dr. Caroline Thum AOAC SPIFAN MFGM Working Group Chair (AgResearch)

Dr. Martine van Gool AOAC Science Advisor (FrieslandCampina)

I. WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS (Boyd – 2:00PM-2:05PM) Ms. Delia Boyd (AOAC) will call the meeting to order. Participants will review the AOAC policy and other procedure documents along with the draft meeting agenda.

II. AOAC SPIFAN MFGM WORKING GROUP PROJECT TIMELINE (Boyd – 2:05PM-2:10PM) Ms. Delia Boyd (AOAC) will provide the timeline for the working group.

III. AOAC STANDARD METHOD PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENT (SMPR ) DEVELOPMENT PRESENTATION (McKenzie – 2:10PM-2:15PM) Ms. Deborah McKenzie (AOAC) will provide a comprehensive presentation on the development of SMPRs . IV. LAUNCH OF MFGM WORKING GROUP (Working Group Chair, Thum – 2:15PM-3:25PM) Dr. Caroline Thum (AgResearch) will launch the working group meeting with a presentation and begin the development of the Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPR).  Intended Use Statement

Draft Fitness-For-Purpose Statement

Discussion on Definitions

 Discussion on draft Standard Method Performance Requirement (SMPR)


NEXT STEPS (Boyd – 3:25PM-3:30PM) Boyd will provide next steps of the MFGM Working Group meeting.

* Requires a vote **Draft meeting agenda is subject to change w/out notice

Version 2

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