AOAC SPIFAN Vanillin Working Group (December 13, 2022)

10. Tables and Figures Tables

Tables should be supplied in an editable format (e.g., Microsoft Word), not as an image file. Avoid excessive formatting and the use of tabbed spacing to indicate alignment and ensure that any formatting or superscript symbols such as asterisks are explained in the table footnote. Unless the journal’s house style indicates otherwise, provide units in column or row headers, rather than in the table body. Consider the size and layout of the printed journal (or online PDF) when deciding on the dimensions of your table. All tables provided should be cited within the article text. Figures Each figure should be submitted as its own file. Supply figures at the intended print size. Resolution at this size should be no less than 300dpi for halftone images, 600dpi for composite images, and 1200 dpi for line art, and at no less than 1080px width. For typical print page sizes please visit . The dimensions of the printed journal or online PDF should also be considered when choosing figure layout, to minimize white space when reproduced at the intended size. Most standard figure formats are acceptable, but .tiff is recommended for halftone and composite images, .eps for line art and vector graphics. Images embedded into Microsoft Word are often not good quality. Images created with multiple layers should be flattened to a single layer prior to submission. Multi ‐ paneled figures should be supplied as a single file with each panel lettered clearly, according to journal style. Avoid placing letters over shaded areas if possible. Miscellaneous Abbreviation for liter is L; abbreviation for micron is μ . Do not italicize common Latin expressions such as et al. and in vitro; for nomenclature of spectrometry, gas chromatography, and liquid chromatography, follow practice of American Society for Testing and Materials. Do not use numbering in your headings or subheadings. Major headings should be set in bold font, secondary

headings in italic font, and third level headings should be set using alphabetical lists (a) . The Journal prefers the use of the front solidus (/) do not use superscript ‐ 1 (i.e., μ g/kg).

Footnotes Avoid use of footnotes to text.

Special Instructions for Journal Articles containing Official Methods of Analysis First and Final Action Methods First and Final Action Official Methods will need to include InChi numbers and CAS numbers where appropriate. Additional Author Guidelines For additional information on manuscript preparation please visit the Oxford Academic website at:

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