AOAC SPIFAN Nutrients ERP (December 7, 2022)



A. Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPR)

Table 6 summarizes the requirements stated in AOAC SMPR 2014.013 1 . The requirements are applicable on the determination of total proteinogenic L- α -Amino acids and taurine in all forms of infant formula and adult/pediatric nutritional. The described method in the SLV is only applicable to the determination of taurine. The described method makes use of a selective detection method by MS together with the separation properties of a HILIC UHPLC column. The MRM settings detect only selected masses corresponding to taurine and IS fragment ions. The selectivity of the method is always checked during every analytical run by means of a system, method and calibration standard blank. The analytical range in the SMPR is applicable on a broad range of amino acids and taurine. A maximum of taurine added to infant formula is mentioned by Codex alimentarius 2 and national regulations. The maximum amount of taurine allowed in prepared (RTF) infant formula is approximately 9 mg/100 g. The content of proteinogenic amino acids in infant formulas can be much higher than taurine therefor the analytical range in this SLV is adapted to taurine and covers an analytical range of 0,5-110 mg/100 g in RTF. Comparing the analytical range of the described method in this SLV to the analytical range in the current AOAC 997.05 3 , which is based on powdered formula, the range is approximately ten times larger. The described analytical range in this SLV should cover taurine in infant formula and adult/pediatric nutritionals. When encountering higher levels of taurine in samples, dilutions can easily be made.

Table 6. AOAC SMPR 2014.013: Standard method performance requirements for the determination of Amino acids in infant formula and adult/pediatric nutritional formula a .


Minimum acceptable criteria

0,5-2500 mg/100 g b

Analytical range

≤0 ,5 mg/100 g b

Limit of Quantitation

0,5-5,0 5,0-150

88-112% 90-110% 93-107%

Recovery b


0,5-5,0 5,0-150

≤7% ≤5% ≤3%

Repeatability b


0,5-5,0 5,0-150


Reproducibility b


150-2500 ≤5% a Concentrations apply to: (a) ‘ready -to- feed” liquids “as is”; (b) reconstituted powders (25 g into 200 g water); and (c) liquid concentrates diluted 1:1 by weight using water b All concentrations on reconstituted final product.

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