AOAC SPIFAN Nutrients ERP-Final Review (Oct. 2018) Pubs
2011.14 (Oct. 2018) – MTE-03 Final Action Review FOR ERP USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE Mg: 285.213 (In: 303.936); Mn: 257.610 (Sr: 338.071); Na: 589.592 (Sr: 460.733); P: 213.618 (In: 303.936); Zn: 213.857 (Sr: 338.071). Other wavelengths that are acceptable for both elements and internal standards could be used as confirmatory analytical lines or alternative wavelengths as certain recommended lines may not be available on some ICP-AES systems: Wavelength (nm): Ca: 317.933 (Y: 371.028); Cu: 324.754 (Y: 371.028), 327.395 (In: 303.936 or Y: 371.028); Fe: 259.94 (Y: 371.028 or Cr: 283.563); Mg: 285.213 (Y: 371.028), 279.028 (In: 303.936); Mn: 257.610 (Sr: 460.733 or Y: 371.028); P: 178.222 (Sr: 460.733 or Y: 371.028); Zn: 213.857 (Sr: 460.733 or Y: 371.028). Other lines of appropriate sensitivity, free of interferences or corrected for interferences in specific matrixes (e.g. milk and milk products), as listed in Table 2011.14K may be just as acceptable. ( c ) Calibration curve.– Make a calibration curve using either weighted l inear or quadratic regression with correlation coefficients of at least 0.9995 from at least five standards prepared from intermediate standard solution, including a blank (Std0). Six suggested concentrations of the standard solution (Std1–Std6 ) are shown in Table 2011.14J and expressed in mg/kg. ( d ) Test portion analyses.– Analyze test portion digest solutions using an ICP-AES instrument calibrated with the working standard solutions. Insert a working standard or other suitable quality control solution every 10 test portions to monitor for instrument drift. The inclusion of a digestion blank, a sample duplicate, and known reference materials is highly encouraged.
I. Calculations
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