AOAC SPIFAN Nutrients ERP-Final Review (Oct. 2018) Pubs
2011.14 (Oct. 2018) – MTE-03 Final Action Review FOR ERP USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE
The concentration (C) of each element, in mg/kg, is calculated as follows:
C = a × V × F m
where C = concentration in the test portion sample (mg/kg); a = concentration (mg/L) of the element in the digest solution as obtained from instrument; V = volume (mL) of the test solution after being made up (i.e., 50 mL for MDC and 100 mL for MDO); F = dilution factor of the test solution; m = weight of the test portion (g).
Results and Discussion Collaborator Qualification.- Of the 14 participating laboratories, 12 were qualified to continue in the collaborative study. All laboratories produced acceptable calibration curve parameters, but 2 laboratories (#7 and #14 in Table 2) did not qualify based on NIST SRM 1849a values outside the certified range. All collaborators obtained acceptable calibration parameters based on linear regression coefficients or quadratic regression (r 2 = 0.9942-1.0000).
Collaborative Study Results.- Of the 12 qualified laboratories, 12 analyzed the SPIFAN II materials and 11 analyzed the dairy materials. Laboratory 3 did not analyze the dairy materials. Laboratory 2 was not capable of measuring P. Negative values were
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