AOAC SPIFAN Nutrients ERP-Final Review (Oct. 2018) Pubs
2011.14 (Oct. 2018) – MTE-03 Final Action Review FOR ERP USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE
fortified products and the SPIFAN placebos compared to SMPR 2014.004 requirements. The fortified matrixes met the precision criteria in all cases except reproducibility for Mn. The placebo products met the precision criteria for all minerals (Ca, K, Mg, Na, and P), but not for the trace elements (Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn), which are at very low concentrations in these matrixes. IDF dairy matrixes.- As mentioned previously, Laboratory 3 did not analyze the dairy materials. Laboratory 9 reported invalid data for processed cheese (only one replicate reported). Laboratory 11 did not report results for Cu or Mn in salted butter. Due to low concentrations, invalid data (negative values) were reported for Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn and Zn in butter; for Fe and Mn in processed cheese and whey protein concentrate; and for Cu, Fe, and Mn in whey powder, whole milk and whole milk powder. Statistical analyses were not performed for Cu, Fe, Mn or Zn in butter or for Mn in whole milk and whey protein concentrate due to extremely low concentrations and high rates of invalid data. Repeatability in the remaining IDF samples ranged from 1.11% for Mg in whey protein concentrate to 38% for Mn in whey powder and reproducibility ranged from 3.3% for Ca in whey powder to 78.2% for Cu in whole milk. HorRat values ranged from 0.40 for Zn in whole milk to 4.40 for Fe in whey powder. Excluding the data for Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn, the HorRat values for dairy products ranged from 0.72 for P in whole milk to 4.22 for K in whey powder. The overall IDF sample data are summarized in Table 4. As for the SPIFAN placebos, the data meet the acceptance criteria except for the trace elements, which were present in very low concentrations.
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