AOAC SPIFAN Nutrients ERP-Final Review (Oct. 2018) Pubs
2011.06 (September 2017)-Fol-22 MLT Report
3.3. Analytical Method The analytical method provided to the laboratories for the MLT is detailed version of the method AOAC 2011.06. Extensive details of the sample preparation, chromatography, calculation, reporting criteria were specified in the protocol provided to the laboratories. The method enclosed in Appendix 1.
4.1. The overview The laboratories were requested to analyze folate in the samples, per the protocols provided to them. All folate results presented in the report are expressed as μg/100g of sample as received basis from AOAC International. 4.2. MLT Results and Statistical Evaluation Upon completion of the MLT sample analysis, each participating laboratory reported folate results as well as the raw data such as sample weights, volumes. The results received from participants of all 11 laboratories are tabulated and summarized in Table 3 and Figures 1-11. Table 3: Raw data for replicate analyses of the SPIFAN samples
Infant formula powder, partially hydrolyzed milk-based KDOX966/ATAN351
Infant formula powder, partially hydrolyzed soy- based SWUO667/MYHK654
Milk-based infant formula
SRM 1869a
Lab #
Total Folate as Folic Acid (mcg/100g)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
179.1 165.7 166.9 130.2 130.6 152.2 130.4 164.7 164.6 146.4 142.6
171.9 164.1 161.8 131.8 146.7 161.6 160.8 169.5 170.3 152.6 141.4
142.8 134.9 151.3 113.1 104.7 124.4 *177.1 152.5 145.8 117.8 117.3
140.5 140.9 149.1 110.9 116.7 118.7 *105.8 151.5 140.4 136.7 120.6
201.9 182.6 213.0 134.6 157.1 192.5 156.0 202.4 207.7 134.5 170.7
196.7 188.3 181.5 128.4 163.5 167.9 158.3 212.6 178.8 136.0 156.2
274.0 259.2 275.3 241.8 237.4 246.9 218.7 178.9 256.1 264.9 251.9
274.1 255.3 231.9 270.7 248.6 259.5 210.3 212.1 276.3 244.8 256.0
253.2 255.5 216.4 243.6 247.2 259.5 237.7 187.0 270.8 225.1 254.2
10 11
*Results removed as Cochran outlier prior to precision calculation
Collaborative Study Report: Method AOAC 2011.06 (Folate by LC-MS/MS) 8
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