AOAC SPIFAN Nutrients ERP-Final Review (Oct. 2018) Pubs
2011.06 (September 2017)-Fol-22 MLT Report
CEP collision cell entrance potential; CE Collision cell; CXP collision cell exit potential.
The General MS parameters for the Sciex 6500 LC-MS/MS (Qtrap): Curtain gas(nitrogen): 30 psi; Collision Assisted Dissociation 8; IonSpray voltage: 5500 V; Temperature: 400 °C; Ion source gas1(zero air): 40 psi; Ion source gas2(zero air): 50 psi
K. Calculations and reporting
Calculation of Ratio of peak areas of the folate compounds against respective internal standard peak area: Calculate the ratios of peak areas of the folate vitamer against respective internal standard area for calibration standards, method blank, and all of the sample extracts for every targeted folate compound (Folic acid, 5-CH3-THF
and 5-CHO-THF). Calibration Curve:
Calibration curve is drawn by concentration of calibration standard of specific folate compound against ratio of its peak area to the relevant internal standard (its peak area/internal std peak area). The calibration curves are prepared for all the targeted folate compounds. Not forced through zero. Weighing 1/x. This calculation is usually done by the software used for processing of MS acquired data.
Calculation of concentration of folate compounds in the method blank (processed like sample):
Collaborative Study Report: Method AOAC 2011.06 (Folate by LC-MS/MS) 43
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