AOAC SPIFAN Nutrients ERP-Final Review (Oct. 2018) Pubs
2011.06 (September 2017)-Fol-22 MLT Report
The ratios of peak areas of the detected folate compounds against respective internal standard is calculated in the method blank (processed like sample) in the batch. Concentration of each of the detected folate compound as ng/mL is calculated in the method blank based on the calibration curve. This is usually done by the software used for processing of MS acquired data. Calculation of concentration of folate compounds in the sample extracts: Concentration of each of the detected folate compound as ng/mL is calculated in the sample extracts based on the calibration curve drawn using concentration of the targeted compound and ratios of its and respective internal standard peak areas . This calculation is usually performed by the software used for processing of MS acquired data. Corrected concentration of folate compounds (ng/mL) in all sample extracts by subtracting folate derived from extraction enzymes/reagents: This calculation is done automatically by the Calculation Template (Appendix D). The input for this adjustment in the worksheet is ng/mL of the analyte concentration calculated by the software used for processing of MS acquired data as stated in the earlier paragraph. The following text describes the calculations which are performed for correction of folate concentration (ng/mL) in sample extracts for the analytes derived from enzymes used in the extraction. Concentration of each of the detected folate compound as ng/mL is calculated in all sample extracts based on the calibration curve. The so calculated concentration of folate compounds in all sample extracts (ng/mL) is corrected by subtracting concentration of the respective folate compound estimated in the method blank (ng/mL) analyzed in the batch parallel to the samples. Corrected folate compound concentration in sample extracts (ng/mL)= Concentration of specific folate compound (ng/mL) - Concentration of respective specific folate compound in the method blank (ng/mL) (analyzed in the batch parallel to the samples) Calculation of Folate compounds and total folate in samples (mcg/100g) in reconstituted or RTF samples): This calculation is done automatically by the Calculation Template (Tab “reconst bev or RTF”) (Appendix D). This calculation in the worksheet is performed by using values it calculated for corresponding corrected concentration of the analytes in the sample extracts (ng/mL).
Collaborative Study Report: Method AOAC 2011.06 (Folate by LC-MS/MS) 44
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