AOAC SPIFAN Nutrients ERP Reviewer Forms (Amino-05)


Expert Review Panel for Infant Formula and Adult Nutrition Evaluation of Method_ Amino 05

Title: An Ion Exchange Liquid Chromatography with Post Column Derivatization Method for the Determination of Taurine in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula

Author: Mérieux Reviewer Name:

Reviewer 1 Summary of Method: Powdered, semi liquid or liquid samples are extracted with a citrate buffer in the presence of Norleucine as internal standard. The extracted reacted samples are filtered and analyzed using Amino Acid Analyzer ionic chromatography with post column derivatization with Ninhydrin.

Method Scope/Applicability: Determination of Taurine amino acid in infant formula and adult/pediatric nutritional formulas

General comments about the method: This method uses well-established methodology for analyzing amino acids using cation-exchange column and post-column derivatization with Ninhydrin reagent. The authors also submitted a method that can be used to analyze free and total amino acids but the validation study was completed for Taurine only. For Taurine a simple extraction sample preparation procedure was used but hydrolysis step is required to determine the total amino acids. The chromatographic conditions described in the method are unique to a particular amino acids analyzer so buffers and Ninhydrin reagent have to be purchased from the manufacturer of the analyzer. Different brands of amino acids analyzers are available on the market and their performance should be comparable to the one described in the method. The method should emphasize general performance requirements that can be used to assess the performance of different amino acids analyzers.

Method Clarity:

Method is clearly written


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