AOAC SPIFAN Nutrients ERP Reviewer Forms (December 7, 2022)


Precision (RSD r ): SMPR: 0.5-5.0 mg/100g


5.0-150 mg/100g ≤5% 150-2500 mg/100g ≤3%

Method: 0.7 – 4.6 % 0.7 – 1.7%

All samples were analyzed in duplicate over six different days with two different analysts and two different LC-MS systems. The RSD of the repeatability in the analyzed samples was between 0.7-4.6%. The repeatability was also determined from spiked samples to obtain the precision at higher concentrations. Spiked samples were analyzed on three different days in triplicate. The RSD of the repeatability at spiked levels is between 0.7-1.7%. The RSD of the intermediate precision was determined over two different laboratories and was between 1,3 6,7% and in good agreement.

Reproducibility (RSD R ): ----

• System suitability: -The chromatographic system is equilibrated before starting a series of analysis. -Series of analysis are started with a set of six injections with a continuing calibration verification standard (CCV) followed by a system blank and the calibration standards T0-T6. Quality control -After the calibration standards start with a CCV and reinject after every ten analyzed samples. -The recovery of the CCV should be between 95-105%. -The ion ratio between the taurine qualifier ion and the taurine quantifier ion is determined. The ion ratio of a sample is allowed to deviate 15% from the average of the standards.


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