AOAC SPIFAN Nutrients ERP Reviewer Forms (July 28, 2022)


Expert Review Panel for Infant Formula and Adult Nutrition Evaluation of Method FLUOR-05 (Resubmission)

Title: Development and Validation of a Microdiffusion Potentiometric Method for the Determination of Fluorides in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula Author: Giampaolo Perinello and Lorenzo Papa; Mérieux NutriSciences Italia Reviewer Name: Reviewer 1 Please Provide a Brief Summary of the Resubmitted Method: Powdered samples are extracted at 60°C in a micro-diffusion cell in the presence of an acidic solution containing Hexamethydisilazane (HMDS). The released fluoride reacts with sodium hydroxide within the cell and is subsequently measured by potentiometry using a selective electrode. Liquid samples are freeze-dried before being treated in an analogous manner as the powdered samples. Was Method Scope/Applicability Updated? Yes (see highlighted text below). Previous ranges read 30 to 200 µ g/100g for liquids, 30 to 400 µ g/100g for powders. The method is applicable for the determination of free and slightly bound Fluoride in a variety of Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula at concentrations from 3.33 to 200 μg/100g for liquids (30 to 18 00 μg/100g for powders) .

Has the resubmitted method met the requirements outlined as per the ERP recommendation/comment(s)? Summary of previous reviews and ERP recommendations: ERP Review ERP Recommendation Author Response Apr 2021 Include raw data & information including sample size on infant formula tested.

Addressed – see similar Dec 2021 recommendation Addressed – see similar Dec 2021 recommendation Somewhat addressed – see similar Mar 2022 recommendation Addressed – see similar Mar 2022 recommendation

Is method measuring total or free/weakly bound fluoride (please comment). Need information about microdiffusion cells and their specific requirements Need information about 1000 ppm stock standard used to prepare the calibrants


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