AOAC SPIFAN Stakeholder Panel Meeting Book (September 7, 2019)

Suggested Questions for Reviewing Methods

Is there a community based need for the OMA to have Final Action status?

Are there any ERP comments or recommendations specified for the method? (Reference ERP report)

Was method validated with SPIFAN Matrix Kit?

Is the OMA currently in use?

Is method in Final Action status?

If yes, is there any equivalency or comparison data with the nutrient Final Action method? (must determine definition and/or test for equivalency)

If no, how many matrices were used (add types or list of matrices used and if they are from SPIFAN I or SPIFAN II set)

If yes, how is being used? Where is it being used? For what purpose is it being used?

If yes, is there method performance data available?

Introduce the plan to SPIFAN in September

AOAC to engage working group members and issue call for WG members

AOAC to send out the list of questions for review and to see if there are additional considerations to include

Next Steps

Work with WG Chairs on timeline for review

Continue to work with ERP and update during AOAC Analytical Methods Week in December.

OMB members embedded in process so OMB can remain apprise and take any measures or offer guidance throughout the process

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