AOAC SPIFAN Stakeholder Panel Meeting Book (September 7, 2019)
AOAC 2015.06 – why SLV was needed for Indian Matrices ?
• Infant formula and adult nutrition products in India contain malt and cereals, apart from milk and soy, and were not a part of the original study Aim – • To extend the original AOAC 2015.06 method for Indian matrices and verify whether it is fit for purpose!
AOAC 2015.06 Principle of the method- ICP MS detection with Microwave assisted digestion 1. Minerals are extracted by digesting the sample with nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide in microwave digester 2. Ge (for 11 elements) and Te (just for Se) are used as internal standards 3. Analysis is performed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) 4. Polyatomic interferences are reduced by analyzing in He mode, and for Se, the H 2 mode is used for better sensitivity 5. Quantitation done by comparing the analyte/IS response ratios in the unknown samples to a standard curve constructed from response ratios of calibration standards
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