AOAC SPIFAN Stakeholder Panel Meeting Book (September 7, 2019)

Predicted non-Compliance Rate

Method Reproducibility = 6.4% RSD Measured results on sample with a true value at the mid-SRLQW RI WKH UHJXODWRU\ UDQJH test results will exceed the regulatory limits. Method Reproducibility = 11.4% RSD Measured results on sample with a true value at the mid-SRLQW RI WKH UHJXODWRU\ UDQJH



test results will exceed the regulatory limits


133 rd Annual Meeting & Exposition | Denver, Colorado | September 6-12, 2019

Required Precision

At the 95% Confidence Level (standard deviation is 1/4 th of regulatory range) The performance of method precision required to meet the proposed specifications limits at WKH FRQILGHQFH OHYHO LV 56' R = At the 99% Confidence Level (standard deviation is 1/6 th of regulatory range) The performance of method precision required to meet the proposed specifications limits at WKH FRQILGHQFH OHYHO LV 56' R =


133 rd Annual Meeting & Exposition | Denver, Colorado | September 6-12, 2019

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