AOAC SPIFAN Stakeholder Program Meeting Book (August 26, 2023)

Propose BFSA levels

Theoretical LOQ for EAM Methods 1

Toxic Element

In progress LOQ work by FDA’s CFSAN lab 1,2

Proposed Limits in 2021 Baby Food Safety Act

LOQ for EAM Methods

As: 11.6 ppb (EAM 4.7) iAs: 2 ppb 2 (EAM 4.10) iAs: 20 ppb 2 (EAM 4.11)

As: 2.3 ppb (EAM 4.7)

As: 2.4 ppb (EAM 4.7)

10 ppb for infant and toddler food (except cereal) and 15 ppb for infant and toddler food that is cereal 1

Inorganic arsenic

5 ppb for infant and toddler food (except cereal) and 10 ppb for infant and toddler food that is cereal 5 ppb for infant and toddler food (except cereal) and 10 ppb for infant and toddler food that is cereal

0.74 ppb (EAM 4.7) 2.2 ppb (EAM 4.7) 1.6 ppb (EAM 4.7)

1.1 ppb (EAM 4.7) 3.3 ppb (EAM 4.7) 0.67 ppb (EAM 4.7)

3.7 ppb (EAM 4.7)


10.9 ppb (EAM 4.7)


2 ppb

7.8 ppb (EAM 4.7)


• What about other countries?

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