AOAC SPIFAN Stakeholder Program Meeting Book (August 28, 2021)


Francesca Giuffrida, Ph.D., Nestl é Research SN-2 Palmitate Working Group

Dr. Francesca Giuffrida is the head of Lipidomic team at Nestlé Research in Lausanne.

She was awarded her PhD in the field of food chemistry in 2005 from Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University in Copenhagen, Denmark and subsequently joined Nestlé Research.

She has a background in analytical chemistry, authenticity determination and analysis of lipophilic compounds. Francesca oversees the science of lipid characterization and authenticity of a team which comprises experts in the fields of chromatography and of high-resolution mass spectrometry. Currently, her primary research interest includes: the characterization of lipophilic compounds in human milk and the development of new and emerging technologies towards identification of fats/oil fraud.

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