AOAC SPIFAN Stakeholder Program Meeting Book (August 28, 2021)

Current analytical method standards & summary of available techniques


Available standard methods

X ,62 standard 6800-1997 :Animal and vegetable fats and oils — Determination of the composition of fatty acids in the 2-position of the triglyceride molecules. X $2&6 Official 0HWKRG Ch 3-91: Determination of fatty acids in the 2-position in the triglycerides of oils and IDWV revised 2011. X In &KLQD there is a standard GB 24894 for sn -2 palmitate quantification in ingredient based on ,62 standard 6800. X In &KLQD there is also VWDQGDUG GB 30604 for OPO triacylglycerol quantification in ingredient. X -2&6 $2&6 Ch3a-19 2019: Determination of the Composition of Fatty Acids at the 2-Position of Oils and Fats- (Q]\PDWLF Transesterification 0HWKRG using Candida antarctica Lipase.


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