AOAC SPIFAN Stakeholder Program Meeting Book (August 28, 2021)

ISO Systematic Review (each five years)

ISO 20633:2015 ISO 20634:2015 ISO 20637:2015 ISO 20638:2015 ISO 20639:2015

IF and AN — Determination of vitamin A and E Confirmed April 2021

Confirmed April 2021 Confirmed April 2021 Confirmed April 2021

IF and AN — Determination of vitamin B 12 IF and AN — Determination of inositol IF and AN — Determination of nucleotides

IF and AN — Determination of pantothenic acid Confirmed April 2021


Codex collaboration Outcome of CCMAS 2021 (May):

x CCMAS confirmed AOAC 2011.14 / ISO 15151 | IDF 229 as a Type III method for calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, and zinc, in complement of methods endorsed in 2019, since CCNFSDU confirmed they prefer not to adopt the criteria approach and prefer to list specific methods for dispute resolution. x CCMAS did not endorse methods for fructans, beta-carotene and lycopene due to the lack of provision for these nutrients in CXS 72 and referred them back for CCNFSDU to clarify their intention. x Methods to measure sweetness in Drink/Product for young children with added nutrients / Drink for young children. CCMAS confirmed that there is no method to verify the proposed provision. This will bring the issue with provisions on sweetness back to CCNFDSU. x CCMAS concluded the review of dairy methods. CCMAS agreed to use the criteria approach for the determination of iron, copper, and lead in several dairy matrices, despite the concerns expressed by IDF, ISO and NZ, of no identified method for some provisions. The methods applicable will be discussed at the next CCMAS session. Discussion remains open on Determination of moisture in dried milk and other dried milk products. 8

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