AOAC SPIFAN Stakeholder Program Meeting Book (March 14, 2023)

AOAC INTERNATIONAL Stakeholder Program on Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals (SPIFAN) Meeting at The Gaithersburg Marriott Washingtonian Center 9751 Washingtonian Boulevard Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, 20878 STAKEHOLDER PROGRAM - DRAFT MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, March 14, 2023 Meeting Start Time: 1:00pm - (Eastern US) SPIFAN Program Chair: Mr. Darryl Sullivan (Chief Scientific Officer, Eurofins Food Integrity and Innovation) INTRODUCTION (Sullivan - 1:00pm – 1:10pm) Mr. Darryl Sullivan will call the Stakeholder Program meeting to order and introduce/welcome all participants. In addition, the AOAC policies for Antitrust, Volunteer Conflict of Interest, and Use ofAssociation Name and Insignia will be reviewed. GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES a. AOAC China Section Collaboration Update & Preparation of AOAC China Section Meeting (Liang - 1:10pm – 1:30pm) Dr. Cheng-Zhu Liang (Director, Qingdao Customs Technical Center) will provide an update on the upcoming AOAC China Section meeting itinerary currently scheduled for May 2023. b. Codex Updates (Sullivan et al - 1:30pm – 2:00pm) Mr. Darryl Sullivan will provide a brief update on the Codex process in relation to the review and adoption of AOAC SPIFAN Methods. c. ISO/IDF Update (de Vreeze/Dubois - 2:00pm – 2:15pm) Drs. Marcel de Vreeze (Royal Netherlands Standardization Institute, ISO) and AurélieDubois (International Dairy Federation) will provide updates related to infant formula & adult nutritional activities. Room Location: Salons C/D/E



* Requires a vote **Draft meeting agenda is subject to change w/out notice

Version 4

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