AOAC SPIFAN Vanillin Working Group (December 13, 2022)


Chengzhu Liang, Ph.D. Director of Technology Center Qingdao Customs, P. R. China AOAC China Section President

Liang is serving as President of AOAC China Section, member of the Standing Committees on Analytical methods for Composi t ion and Harmonization of Microbiological Methods of ISO/IDF, the member of the National Food Safety Standards (GB) Review Committee, the graduate student tutor of Ocean University of China.

Liang drafted 3 international standards, 10 national standards and 30 industry standards. He has 15 authorized national invention patents. He published more than 30 research papers in SCI and core journals. He edited and published 10 professional books. Liang was responsible for the follow-up evaluation of national food safety standard, which entrusted by China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment. Under his leadership, the team completed the follow-up evaluation of 256 national food safety standards and the comparative study of 20 national standards with AOAC/ISO international standards. He submitted more than 30 proposals for the formulation and revision of national standards. Since 2011, Liang has organized conferences of AOAC China Section every year. He helped strengthen the communication between AOAC international standards and Chinese national standards. He has made positive contributions to the internationalization of Chinese standards and the introduction of AOAC and other international standards into China.

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