2. Does the analytical technique(s) used in the method meet the SMPR? If not, please specify how it differs from what is stated in the SMPR.

UV/VIS spectrophotometer capable of kinetic measurements at 610 nm is acceptable for the method.

The method needs a better explanation of PAC A2 standard preparation. Is there a reagent blank and/ or procedure blank?

Should each standard and sample be analyzed by UV/VIS individually? For example: Add 1 mL DMAC to the standard 1 and start UV/VIS. After completion add reagent to std 2.... Method should indicate in the title that is for determining "total" PAC's. Is using PAC type A to determine total PAC adequate or the results will be overestimated?

3. Are the definitions specified in the SMPR used and applied appropriately in the method? If no, please indicate how the terms are used. 4. Does the method, as written, contain all appropriate precautions and warnings related to the method's reagents, components, instrumentation, or method steps that may be hazardous? If no, please suggest wording or option(s). III. Review of Supporting Information 1. Are the definitions specified in the SMPR used and applied appropriately in the supporting documentation (manuscripts, method studies, etc...)? If not, please explain the differences and if the method is impacted by the difference. 2. Is there information demonstrating that the method meets the SMPR Method Performance Requirements using the Reference Materials stated in the SMPR? If not, then specify what is missing and how this impacts demonstration of performance of the method.

Adding H2SO4 to Methanol needs a safety caution.

III. Review of Information in Support of the Method

The definitions used in the method are appropriate.

There is no reference material or controls listed to ensure accuracy of the results.

Procyanidins A2 standard has not information how it was obtained or CAS number. This information is important for method review.

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