6. Based on the supporting information, what are the cons/weaknesses of the method?

The method is determining "total PACs as PAC A2" since it is using standard A2 only.

There is no mention of interfering substances and if false positive is possible.

The method should be limited to the matrices used in the study.

7. Any general comments about the method?

The method can be used by any laboratory when access to more sophisticated instruments is not available or there is a need for rapid analysis.

There is not mention of how the data is compared to other methods and that is something I would like to see.

Recommendation for the Method

V. Final Recommendation Do you recommend this method be adopted as a First Action and published in the Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC INTERNATIONAL? Please specify rationale.

If the method is re-written according to AOAC format, all standards are defined by supplier or CAS Number, a comparison study is performed to compare the method with data from LC methods, applicable matrix to be defined, any interference to be listed, and method LOQ to be determined I would recommend it for first action. I would like to discuss this method further with colleagues at AOAC meeting. Due to the very short time to review the method my recommendation is only a preliminary evaluation.

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