Acrylamide ERP Resubmission Review

therefore targeted repeatability RSD r = 0.66 x PRSD R should be ≤ 15 %. All precision values 481 were aligned with the modified Horwitz equation. 482 With the proposed protocol, ca. 20-30 samples can be analyzed in routine daily by one operator. 483 The double SPE clean-up can be performed manually or with an automated SPE system 484 whenever the workload requires further optimization. 485 486 A simple, selective, sensitive and accurate method was developed for the LC-MS/MS 487 determination of AA in food. Ruggedness of the method was demonstrated throughout the 488 validation process involving different isotopically labeled standards (n=2), automated SPE 489 systems (n=2), operators (n=2) and LC-MS/MS systems (n=2). Up to 16 individual samples 490 from 9 matrix categories were evaluated and all target performance requirements in terms of 491 LOQ, recovery, precision and accuracy were fulfilled. Adequate for cereal products, fried 492 potato products and coffee products typically mentioned in Commission Regulation (EU) 493 2017/2158 [4] , the method also showed much broader applicability for cocoa, dry petfood, tea, 494 spices or nuts, therefore answering the need of Commission Recommendation (EU) 2019/1888 495 [5] for extensive monitoring of AA in food. 496 497 The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal 498 relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this manuscript. 499 Conclusion Declaration of Competing Interest



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