Candidates for 2016 ERP of the Year


RECOMMENDATION: Do you recommend that the ERP adopt this method as an AOAC Official Method of Analysis (First Action status) ? ER 1 Yes ER 2 no ER 3 not at this time ER 4 Yes ER 5 Yes, but first some revisions (gluten / gliadin) need to be done in the manuscripts and check whether the collab provided from AACC is 'free' to use in publications when moving to final action

ER 6

The additional information is required from the authors before the manuscript can be recommended for First action. The information pertinent to why only corn samples selected and not other cereals, and no surface sample was part of the collaborative study as all these are in the scope and applicability of the method. Also authors comments about 83% labs found sample positive at around 3 mg/kg of gliadin. The gliadin content of less than 4 mg/kg in the processed samples are expected to be negative per results reporting section of the manuscript.

ER 7 ER 8

Yes, I would recommend adoption as First Action Status.

No, not at current state. However, if the authors consider the recommendations and revise the manuscript First Action status can be considered.

AFTER FIRST ACTION STATUS: Is there any additional information that the ERP should consider in order to recommend the method for Final Action status? ER 1 ... ER 2 Omission of known cross-reactvities and other limitations, along with a misleading title. are unacceptable. ER 3 no ER 4 Feedback from end users regarding how the method works in their hands in their respective laboratories ER 5 The provided collab data from AACC has strong focus on corn flour / corn based matrices (snack). This may limit the scope of the method when moved to final action. If possible, additional matrices to broaden the (matrix) scope when moving towards final action.

ER 6

This will depend on authors' response to comments regarding getting the method to the First Action status. I believe the method should be tested on different surfaces and in a wider variety of matrices.

ER 7 ER 8

No comment at this time.


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