Candidates for 2016 ERP of the Year


SPIFAN Expert Review Panel Report March 19, 2014 Final

Vitamin A

2011.07 - Vitamin A in Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals UPLC-UV 2011.15 - Vitamin A (Retinol) in Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals Liquid Chromatography

Don Gilliland Jinchuan Yang

*Motion to keep method Yes- 11/ No-0 /Abstain-1

Keep method

Desire for combo method

Has SLV data, but not published

Sneh Bhandari Adrienne McMahon

*Motion to repeal Yes- 11/ No-0 /Abstain-1

Vitamin D

2011.12 - Vitamins D 2

and D 3


Brendon Gill Adrienne McMahon

*Motion to repeal Yes- 10/ No-0 /Abstain-1

Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals Ultra Pressure Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry Detection (UPLC- MS/MS)

2011.13 - Vitamins D 2 Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals LC-MS/MS

and D 3


Matt Sliva for Scott Christiansen Shay Phillips Bill Mindak Matt Sliva for Scott Christiansen

*Motion to repeal Yes- 9/ No-0 /Abstain-1

Original method was withdrawn and resubmitted

Vitamin B12

2011.08 - Improved AOAC First Action 2011.08 for the analysis of vitamin B 12 in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Formulas. Single Laboratory Validation (Modification)

*Motion to give the method a new number (TBD) Yes- 11/ No-0 /Abstain-1 *Motion to repeal old number (2011.08) Yes- 10/ No-0 /Abstain-1

Keep or give it a new number? Reference back to the old number from the AOAC Journal See section 4 for additional comments

Brendon Gill Shay Phillips

2011.09 - Vitamin B 12 in Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals HPLC

Matt Sliva for Scott Christiansen Estela Kneeteman

*Motion to keep Yes- 11/ No-0 /Abstain-1

Keep the method

After Purification on an Immunoafïnity Column

2011.16 - Vitamin B 12 in Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals Surface Plasmon Resonance

Shay Phillips John Austad

*Motion to repeal Yes- 10/ No-0 /Abstain-1

VII. DISCUSS REQUIREMENTS/EXPECTATIONS RELATED TO MULTI-LABORATORY TESTING REPORTS, AN UPDATE ON MULTI-LABORATORY TESTING AND SCHEDULE Robert Rankin (International Formula Council) discussed the template to be used for Multi-Laboratory Testing (MLT) reports; the reports will be in a standardized format. The draft template and will be available soon, it’s currently in review with the Methods Committee on Statistics. UPCOMING METHOD AUTHOR ORIENTATION Deborah McKenzie, AOAC provided an overview of the upcoming method author orientation including requirements for submission of Multi-Laboratory Testing (MLT) reports. NEXT STEPS/FEEDBACK FROM ERP Darryl Sullivan provided next steps including deadline dates. The study directors will need to complete the evaluation sheets and the ERP may have seven (7) MLT reports for review with a mid-July deadline, while providing the ERP with four (4) weeks to complete a thorough review. AOAC will need to be informed if ERP members will be unable to attend the AOAC Annual Meeting in Boca Raton, FL. No feedback/comments were received from the ERP pertaining to the meeting. IX. VIII.


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