Color Additives from Natural Sources Meeting Book AM23

Importance of Quality and Safety for Colors from Natural Sources

• With the rising demand for natural ingredients, quality and safety are extremely important topics and opens the door for both unintentional and intentional economic adulteration • Up to 85% of consumer buying decisions are potentially influenced by color, underscoring that appropriate application of color additives and their safety is critical • Globally, colors from natural sources are used more often in food and beverage launches compared to artificial colors or whole foods that add color

SAFEGUARDING THE INTEGRITY OF THE FOOD SUPPLY Source: Innova Market Insights Simon , J.E., De cke r , E.A., Fe rruzzi, M.G., Gius t i, M.M., Me jia , C.D., Go ldschm id t , M. and Ta lco t t , S.T. (2017), Es tab lish ing Standa rds on Co lors from Na tu ra l Sou rce s . Jou rna l of Food Science , 82: 2539-2553.

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