Food Authenticity NTT SMPR (Comments)

1. Click here to view the Draft Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPR) for Liquid Raw Bovine Milk. 2. Click here to view the Draft Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPR) for Honey. 3. Click here to view the Draft Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPR) for Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

To provide comments to the draft Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPR):

Click to provide comments on the draft StandardMethod Performance Requirements for Food Authenticity/Fraud Non-Targeted Testing Ingredients for Liquid Raw Bovine Milk, Honey and Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) or copy & paste link in browser:

For technical information on how to provide comments, contact Delia Boyd , Senior Manager at or via telephone: 301-924-7077 ext. 126.

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