ERP Proposals for CASP Chemistry Methods

performance liquid chromatography fractions of coal tar standard reference material 1597a via solid-phase nanoextraction and laser-excited time-resolved Shpol’skii spectroscopy” Talanta 2016 , 148, 444-453, . 26. Wilson, W. B., Hewitt, U., Miller, M. and Campiglia, A. D. “Water analysis of the sixteen environmental protection agency – polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons via solid-phase nanoextraction – gas chromatography– mass spectrometry” Journal of Chromatography A 2014 , 1345, 1-8, . 27. Wilson, W. B., Costa, A. A., Wang, H., Dias, J. A., Dias, S. C. L. and Campiglia, A. D. “Pre- concentration of water samples via BEA zeolites for the direct determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with laser-excited time-resolved Shpol’skii spectroscopy” Microchemical Journal 2013 , 110, 246-255, . 28. Wilson, W. B., Wambua, D. K. and Chiu, N. L. H. “Reduction of Internal Standard Signals in Quantitative MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry” Journal of Analytical Science, Methods, and Instrumentation 2012 , 2, 120-125, . 29. Wilson, W. B., Heider, E. C., Campiglia, A. D. and Barbosa, F. “Low-temperature multidimensional luminescence spectroscopy for the analysis of polycyclic aromatic compounds” Current Topics in Analytical Chemistry 2012 , 9, 1-23. 30. Wilson, W. B., Costa, A. A., Wang, H., Dias, J. A., Dias, S. C. L. and Campiglia, A. D. “Analytical evaluation of BEA zeolite for the pre-concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their subsequent chromatographic analysis in water samples” Analytical Chimica Acta 2012 , 733, 103-109, . 31. Costa, A. A. Wilson, W. B., Wang, H., Campiglia, A. D., Dias, J. A. and Dias, S. C. L. “Comparison of BEA, USY and ZSM-5 for the quantitative extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from water samples” Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2012 , 149, 186- 192, . 32. Wilson, W. B. and Campiglia, A. D. “Analysis of co-eluted isomers of high-molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in high performance liquid chromatography fractions via solid-phase nanoextraction and time-resolved Shpol’skii spectroscopy” Journal of Chromatography A 2011 , 1218, 6922-6929, . 33. Wilson, W. B. and Campiglia, A. D. “Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with molecular weight 302 in water samples by solid-phase nano-extraction and laser excited time-resolved Shpol’skii spectroscopy” Analyst , 2011 , 136, 3366-3374, . 34. Wang, H., Knobel, G., Wilson, W. B., Calimag-Williams, K. and Campiglia, A. D. “Gold nanoparticles deposited capillaries for in-capillary microextraction capillary zone electrophoresis of monohydroxy- polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons” Electrophoresis , 2011 , 32, 720-727, . 35. Wang, H., Wilson, W. B. and Campiglia, A. D. “Using gold nanoparticles to improve the recovery and the limits of detection for the analysis of monohydroxy-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons” Journal of Chromatography A 2009 , 1216, 5793-5799, . 5.3 Book Chapters (peer reviewed) 1. Campiglia, A. D., Goicoechea, H. C., Moore, A. F. T. and Wilson, W. B, “Exploring the


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