ERP Proposals for CASP Chemistry Methods

years experience in analytical method development and validation for food and dietary  supplements, which include, but are not limited to carotenoids, xanthrophylls, isothiocyanates,  flavonoids, amino acids and vitamins. I am familiar with multiple analytical techniques  including HPLC‐DAD, HPLC‐MS/MS, HPLC‐ELSD, HPLC‐FLD, GC‐FID, GC‐MS, CE‐DAD, HPTLC, and  UV/VIS/FL spectrophotometers. Moreover, I was the Primary/Secondary reviewers of 10 AOAC  Expert Review Panels for evaluating food and dietary supplements Official Methods of Analysis  (OMA). I have also reviewed 46 journal manuscripts for Food Chemistry, Food Research  International, J of AOAC Int, J Food Biochemistry, and 61 conference abstracts for Experimental  Biology Annual Conferences. I have published 24 peer‐reviewed papers as corresponding  author, first author, or coauthor. I am the method developer of AOAC OMA first action  2018.04.  Eurofins has over 1000 validated analytical methods and conducts routine analysis for food,  dietary supplements, pharmaceuticals, and botanicals on a daily bases. AOAC plays a crucial  role in the food/dietary supplement industry.  As a Eurofins representative and a working  group member for drafting the Cannabis Potency SMPR, I look forward to the opportunity to  serve as an ERP member for reviewing the new cannabionoid method. 

Senior Staff Comments:   Has expertise in developing and evaluating botanical methods with various  instrument platforms; has familiarity as an ERP member  RECOMMEND AS AN ALTERNATE ERP MEMBER

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